As much as it sounds awful or bad, its a real bitter truth. After my uncle's marriage is a year old, he called me and told me "make sure you marry your best friend. Like that, it makes your marriage more fun and less stressful". At that time, I was wondering what he meant.
After studying him for a while, I see the reason behind his previous comment. But within me, I still ask, 'why is love not enough?'. Well, seems, the answers are around us. From managing our differences to how to run the home, which school the unborn kids attend, which family member to visit, where to go for vacation and most importantly, how the family runs its finance.

Saying love isn't enough doesn't mean its not important, it does. But trust me, after the kids start coming, it takes those special moment to reignite the love. The reasons why more than love is needed is...

1. Love wont pay the bills: yes! it wont. As a man, its always advisable to be, at least, if not buoyant, should be financially stable. I mean, to take care of your self and have a left over before thinking of inviting an innocent lady for marriage.

2. Conscious commitment keeps you going: there are times in marriage when everything dies down and all seems to be fading. Not that the love has gone,

Types of kiss and their meaning!

The Forehead Kiss – The forehead kiss usually means that you are just friends. Depending on how it is planted, it can also be used as a means of showing deep affection to a loved one. Most people use use it as a starter kiss when they meet someone new, to express that they like them.

The French Kiss – The French is considered most popular romantic kiss. A kiss is named ‘French kiss’ when a person’s tongue touches another person’s tongue. This is why it is also known as tongue kissing. This type of kiss is very easy to execute but it may take years to master.

The Single-Lip Kiss – This type of kiss involves gently sucking another person’s lip. To give your partner a single-lip kiss, you have to take any one of their lips sandwiched between yours and suck gently. If done in the correct manner, this kiss can send a strong romantic signal to you partner.

The Hand Kiss – It is given by gently grasping someone’s hand by the fingers and kissing the back side. The hand kiss demonstrates respect, adoration and kindness.

The Butterfly Kiss – This type of kiss involves getting close to someone so that your eyelashes touch. Just before kissing the lips, blink very fast so that eyelashes flatter very fast just like the butterfly wings. This type of kiss is usually done for fun.

Lingering Lip Kiss – This is a closed mouth kiss that lasts for more than 20 seconds. The tongue is not involved in this kiss. Lingering lip kisses involve the lips only. This kiss serves as an indication of deep love.

The Cheek Kiss – This is a closed mouth kiss on someone’s cheeks. This kiss can be used to flirt, to pass a friendly greeting or to say goodbye to someone you love.

The Peck – The peck is a short tight lipped kiss on the lips or cheeks. It is used as an expression of friendship. A peck can also spark romance between two people. If you don’t get over it, just make him/her your lover.

The Lizard Kiss – This kiss involves sticking your tongue in and out of your partner’s mouth

Avoid Mistakes While Making Your Online Dating Profile.

Online dating has developed the way we meet up new and interesting people. Some men get it harder to meet quality women through online dating then through traditional sources even as others seem to get all the girls. Today I wanted to put together a list of the ten biggest mistakes to avoid with your profile online daters, This post share by

1. Not uploading a photo profile
Without uploading a photo, you aren’t going to get a women looking at your profile. Uploading a photo is a big turnoff.

2. Uploading pictures without you in them
Don’t need to post photos of your vacation without you in them. Also stop posting pictures of yours where others can’t see what you like in the picture.

3. Writing a negative online dating profile
Negativity is a big turnoff for anybody. Don’t tell the world that you have been hurt in a relationship. Feeling lonely is not a way to attract women into your life. Remember, everything about you is fantastic!

4. Incomplete profile
The more you tell people about yourself, the greater your chance of finding a match, and if you are not doing your part in filling out your profile you can’t blame female online daters for skipping over your profile. So fill in all the questions that they ask, it will improve your chances!

5. Dishonest about yourself
Avoid lying about your age or job, if you want to know how to get a girlfriend through online dating the answer is simple. Be yourself.

6. Trying to be over sexy
You are only going to attract the wrong sort of attention, if you are overtly sexual in your profile. Trying to be over sexy will not attract the guys looking for a serious relationship.

7. Keep your profile short and to the point

Women won’t scan past the first couple paragraphs generally which means you have roughly 2 paragraphs to sell yourself so make them count. Make your paragraphs very short.

8. Posting obscene or in any way offensive jokes or images
A woman is looking at your profile to find out about you, if they wanted to read a joke there are plenty of websites online with hundreds of them.

9. Stop sending a message with a boring subject
Women with good online profiles get lots of winks and messages every day. In your subject give her a reason line to open your message first!

10. Choose a good user name
Remember that your user name says a lot about you, so choose it wisely.

5 Things to Consider Before Moving in.

Thinking about moving in with your SO? Wait, stop right there. Drop the packing tape and sit down.

Now, I'm a firm believer in the "when you know, you know," theory, and I think everyone's relationships are different and everyone moves at different paces, however, I do believe there are certain things that should be considered before moving in together whether you've been dating a year or five years.

1. Make sure you're on the same page with whatever it is you are to each other: want to get married? Say it. Want to Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell it? Say it. Basically, have the "where is this going" talk BEFORE going to get a U-Haul, k?

2. Talk money: if one of you isn't contributing to the bills equally, it could put a lot of strain on your relationship. It's no fun being the ONLY one bringing home the bacon, because who wants to share delicious thick-cut, maple-glazed bacon with someone who doesn't help out, nah I mean?

3. Be okay with losing a little independence: you don't have to lose your independence entirely, but the idea of coming and going as you please and answering to no one is a thing of the past when living with a SO. Prepare to communicate more, share a bathroom, and let him/her know when you're out late, so ya know, he/she doesn't think you're dead. It's just courtesy.

4. Pass the vacation test: do you still find each other attractive after long vacations (or short ones)? If so, you passed the test; however, think twice if you want to kill each other during or by the end.

5. Make sure you can reconcile after arguments: hopefully this doesn't come as a shock, but you will argue when you move in together. It might be over something ridiculous, like not refilling the toilet paper roll, or it might be over something huge. So if you can't talk it out and move on before living together, you need to take a step back and reassess. There's no such thing as "I need space" when you live together, because you live together.

What Your sleeping position says about you.

Sleep is glorious . I don’t know about you, but I could probably sleep for at least 10 hours out of the 24 hour day. I love it! But did you know that there’s actually a lot more to your sleeping position than just comfort? Your sleeping position actually tells a lot about your personality. Take a look at these 9 different sleeping positions and their meanings- is it true for you and your preferred position?

Fetal Position
Log Position
1. Fetal Position
The ‘fetal position’ is undoubtedly the most common sleeping position, used by a whopping 41% of the population. In this particular position, the person lays on their side with their legs bent up and in towards the stomach with the arms resting together at the side (or maybe one arm is placed underneath the pillow). This curled up position has been proven to be used by individuals who have a rough and tough exterior but have a rather sensitive, emotional side on the inside. They are also a bit shy at first but can quickly warm up to those around them.

2. Log Position
Used by around 15% of the population, the ‘log position’ is performed when an individual lays completely straight on one side of their body. People who use this particular sleeping position have been said to have a trusting and outgoing personality

Qieting The Single Soul Within!

  How is one able to keep dreaming when it seems as though hope is perpetually deferred? (Proverbs 13:12*) Although I would never presume to have all the answers in this area, I can offer some encouragement from the scripture that speaks peace to my restless soul: Psalm 131.

1. Don’t weigh yourself down with “what ifs?”“My heart is not proud, O Lord, my eyes are not haughty; I do not concern myself with great matters or things too wonderful for me.” (Psalm 131:1*)
One of the questions I find that nags single women the most is how to make sense who gets married and who does not.  We ponder things like, “Well, Ellen said she always wanted to be married too.  She’s a lot older than me.  Who’s to say I won’t be in the same boat when I’m her age?”  I can assure you from experience that line of questioning is the quickest way to send yourself into panic and/or depression.  Besides, the bottom line is none of us see the full picture of what God is doing in another person’s life.
The same is true for the futility of envying a young married couple, as if to say matrimony is a first come, first serve buffet.  Only after those

Five Red Flags for Christians Blinded by Romance
Here’s your sign! You’re in a bad relationship if…

1…there is abuse in your midst.
It’s such a common thing that either you’ve heard of it or are caught up in it yourself! What is it? It is the seemingly endless habit many couples have in which they will fight and makeup on a regular basis. Sure! It makes for great movies, but what works for a 90-minute Hollywood hit is a no-go in the real world. When it comes to making up, don’t misunderstand me. It’s perfectly healthy to forgive, but it’s not OK to be unwise. What I mean is this:

Respect Your Husband (Even if You Don't Think He 'Deserves' It)
My husband, Ron, admits that he used to be jerk, but I discovered a secret formula that turned him into a loving husband: I started treating him like a VIP! Ron always wanted me to respect him, but I thought he had to earn it and I had to feel it, before I could do it. Wrong.
We women are very good at pointing out our husbands’ faults and failures and punishing them for not meeting our needs, but that only leads to discontent and distance in our marriages.  We all know that yelling, nagging, and belittling are disrespectful and ineffective. So I’m suggesting a radical concept: Treat him like a king, and eventually, hopefully, he will begin to treat you like a queen.

Instead of waiting for him earn your respect, behave respectfully and watch him grow into the man God designed him to be.
Twenty five years ago, our marriage was on the brink of divorce. I was controlling, critical and disrespectful so Ron was defensive and angry. We were both Christians but neither of us was living a sprit-filled life. I was letting my emotions

Can true Love Be found ONLINE?

When summer begins, we are suddenly in the thick of wedding season. It’s time for joy, flowers, caterers, something borrowed, and something blue. Do you feel the love?
I guess not. In the midst of all this wedded bliss, you’re just trying to avoid your newly engaged friend and sparing yourself a half-hour conversation about the difference between egg white and winter white.

Maybe it was getting that last wedding invitation of a college friend or browsing through Bed, Bath & Beyond with a gift registry full of expensive silverware. Somehow, you can’t help but feel a little left out.
Let’s be honest. Growing up, you always took for granted you’d be married by now. It didn’t seem like rocket science. Some of your less-coordinated friends have managed to do it. Couldn’t be that hard.
So you got a house, a car, a degree, a job, did some traveling, and built yourself into somebody rather enviable. But one thing today’s singles are finding out is that there is one thing in life you can’t work for, be good enough for, or accomplish through any


You’ve probably heard the famous quote by Albert Einstein that says, “Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.”
Given that definition, plenty of people might want to get a mental health check-up. Why? Because lots of men and women are attracted to potential partners they’re pretty sure are wrong for them—confirmed by a history of failed relationships—but convince themselves that “This time it’s going to be different!”
Sure, it could be … but probably not.
We see it all the time: otherwise sharp, insightful individuals who fall for someone who is clearly (that is, clearly to friends, family members, and other objective people) not the kind of person who will make for a long-term, well-matched, soul-mate-quality partner.
Why do people keep falling in love for all the wrong reasons? At the risk of oversimplifying a complex dynamic, consider four prevalent possibilities:

1. Inadequate self-understanding. People who find themselves in one unsuccessful relationship after another usually do not know themselves well. They haven’t done much introspection, reflection, and self-evaluation—and therefore, they aren’t clear about what kind of person would make a good match. If you want to select a superb partner, the place to start is with a careful understanding of exactly who you are. The more you know about

What to Do When You Miss Someone

When someone is gone through death, moving or a break up, learning how to handle it can be difficult. For months afterward, you may have problems trying to let them go as you work through your pain. Even if the person has just moved, learning how to deal with them being far away can be a trying experience. When this happens, you can use these tips to feel better and learn how to grow into a happier person irrespective of maybe its an opposite sex or same sex.

Get Outside
The first step in any list of what to do when you miss someone is to get outside and explore the world. When you are sad, it is far to easy to just allow yourself to curl up in a blanket and watch a season (or five) of shows on Netflix. If your goal is to get over your loss and move on, you need to get outside into the world. You will never make new friends or move on when you are just alone at home. You need distractions to keep your mind busy, and meeting new people can give you a chance to focus on something new.

Start a Journal
Interestingly, study after study has shown that keeping a journal is one of the best ways to ensure your long term happiness. This is perhaps due to the fact that a journal allows you to sort through your feelings and express yourself constructively.

1. Hey there handsome.
So much better than simply reading ‘Hi’ or ‘Hey’. Make him smile with the very first text you send. It can only get better!

2. I miss your cute smile.
Who doesn’t love a compliment on their appearance? Men love compliments

Kissing Is Not Communicating.
After reading a section of a book titled 'Boys Meet Girls, say Hello to courtship', I find the 'More than just talking' aspect amusing and interesting. As it was written, communication is not such a simple thing as we all see it to be. Even the best relationships have times

ONLINE DATING (Boudaries and digit exchange).
Most of us are quite seasoned in the online dating world. Regardless of which site (or sites) you’re on, you deal with the same types of issues.  There are countless inappropriate requests that come in, so how do you weed them out? Well, you just have to do it. Regardless of how clear you are in your profile you will still get outrageous requests and stupid messages.  But, in general, most people are polite.  What I’ve noticed recently is that a lot of guys are skipping to giving their telephone number pretty much right away and wanting to navigate away from the site and onto texting. Some even asked for Facebook account … yup, seriously.  So what is appropriate and what isn’t when you’re first chatting online?

Online Dating Boundaries

It’s important to remember that stranger danger is REAL!.  You may think you know all about the person you’re chatting with.  They seem nice enough, but you are only seeing what they want you to see.  You know absolutely nothing about them or their lifestyle.  Sometimes it’s obvious that they are a tool … but more often than not it’s not obvious.  So you have to set your boundaries almost immediately when you’re chatting online and before you’ve met someone in person and decided to move further.

5 Ways to Know If Someone You Met Online is a Fraud

So, to get back to the real business, here are some red flags that you need to be on the lookout for when you want to establish if they’re a fraud or not:

1. It’s in the way they describe themselves in their profile and the pic itself

Seriously, you just need to take a closer look. What do they describe themselves as? Their physical description of themselves should be rational. An athlete with a “plush” body, really? The best way to establish if they really look like what they say they do is to ask them to send you a picture where they’re holding a specific item, or even something that is hand written, close to their body. The other thing that should be setting off alarms is professional photos used for profile pics, unless off course they really are a model. A seriously cool tool to use is Google Goggles, where you can see if the photo they sent you has been used anywhere else online. If they’re using someone else’s pictures and posting them as their own, the warning bells should be very loud by now.

2. Their profile seems a little “cut and pasty”

Try using plagiarism scanners to see if his “introduction letter” online has been used anywhere else or by anyone else. You should be able to spot a phony immediately based on this.

You're at the corner of a room , doing some mindless chore when suddenly you find yourself face-to-face with a little cutie who's gazing back at you with that glassy, wide-eyed look that all us guys with one track minds love to see. You smile and make some ridiculous remark about something totally pointless, but she lights up anyway and gives you a rockin' return smile like mumu she be. You might even get a flash of that doe-eyed, "take me" look

10 Subtle Signs He Has a Crush on You
How do you know if a guy has a crush on you? You can never be certain unless he confesses right out, but there are some signs to look out for that will give you definite clues. Just make sure you aren’t interpreting them to suit your view, as opposed to what’s really the case!
He Wants to Spend Time With You
If he likes you, of course he wants to spend time with you! If he’s brave enough to show it is another thing entirely.

What do intelligent people do with their phones?

Here are a few ideas:
  1. They turn the phone off and put it away during the night. They don't sleep with the phone and they don't scroll the Twitter feed at 3 a. m. Sleep is the priority of smart people.
  2. They turn off the notifications while they work. Because the focus is the essential component of the productive work.
  3. They put it away when they

Everyone wants to be happy in life, but few people are able to find true happiness. Part of this problem is due to perspective. In today’s goal oriented world, it is normal for people to put off being happy until they get a promotion at work, get in shape or accomplish a new goal. Unfortunately, when that new goal arrives, the dreamer just puts off their happiness until the next goal or event. If you want to be happy today, you have to learn how to live in the moment and have the right perspective. Everyone can choose to be happy if they set their minds to it, and people throughout history have found happiness in even the most trying of circumstances. If you are in need of some positive insights to brighten your day and boost your perspective, these ten happy thoughts were designed with your needs in mind.

1. There is a striking difference between moving on and giving up.
For some reason, most people have a problem with quitting. Perhaps it is out of fear of what will happen or a worry that things will not be any better after quitting,

Dealing With A Crush That Doesnt Like You.

There is that moment no one wants to face – when you have to accept that your crush doesn’t like you. Whether it is because he just made it clear in the most embarrassing (for you) of all possible ways, or because he doesn’t respond to you flirting with him, or he started going out with someone else.

1. Cry a Little
Let it out. Take a day to feel sad about it. To analyze it. To do whatever you want.

2. Accept It
To be able to let something go you have to accept it. Some people get angry and want to fight it. They want to prove themselves to the guy. In other words,

LADIES : 4 Ways To Properly Care For Your Breast.
No matter what size breast a woman has, caring for them is critical in reducing the chances of breast cancer and maintaining healthy tissues. Need to know how to properly care for your breast? Take some of this tips...

1. Daily massaging: of d breast helps to promote healthy cellular growth further reducing the chances of getting breast cancer. Use the time in shower or while putting on lotion after a shower to massage the breast in a circular motion with a firm pressure. This can also be a great way to incorporate healthy habit during pre-intimacy.

2. Self exam: is recommended to women once a month or more to check for irregular cellular growth(tumor growth). During this exam, right out of the shower or right before entry into the shower is the best. The first three fingers are used to massage through the entire breast in a circular motion making sure to check for any lump, bruises or discoloration. Also checking for abnormalities or discharge at the Tips is also recommended.

3. Pectoral exercise: helps to build up the large muscle underneath the breast, that helps keep fat of the structure lifted and in place. To make sure breast maintain a shape and remain healthy, perform sets of push-ups daily. 5 to 10 sets would be an ideal daily goal.

4. Correct bra size: over 60% of women are wearing the wrong bra size which can add to back pain and bad posture. To keep the breast healthy, get an accurate measurement done at a specialty shop that sells under garment. Knowing what size it is you use will create a more comfortable support system for breast to grow and maintain shape.

8 Women Christian Men Should Never Marry.

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Have you prayerfully considered these characteristics when choosing a partner? So many single men and women are seriously asking for guidelines on finding a compatible mate, these are the women you should try and abstain from...

1 the unbeliever: 2nd cor. 6:14...'do not be bound together with unbelievers for what partnership have righteousness and lawlessness

7 Clear Signs You And Your Partner Aren’t Meant To Be Together

People end up broken hearted after envisioning all the things they could have done with their partners simply because they refuse to see these signs – from the obvious to subtle ones
Inspired by All Women Stalk, here are 7 signs

Flirting Rules To Get A Guy To Like You!
Men, flirting, relationships- it’s all tough, isn’t it? It can be hard to figure out what you should say or do, especially when you’ve got your eye on someone and have NO idea where to start. Well, ladies, flirting doesn’t have to be nerve-wracking or frightening, in fact, it should be the EXACT opposite! To help you out we’ve come up with the 20 flirting RULES to get a guy to like you. Good luck!

1. Make Sure He’s Single undecided
Before we even get started down this flirtatious future with Mr. Hot Stuff, please make sure he is SINGLE. You don’t want to waste your time with a man that’s in a committed relationship and you definitely don’t want to potentially ruin