5 Things to Consider Before Moving in.

Thinking about moving in with your SO? Wait, stop right there. Drop the packing tape and sit down.

Now, I'm a firm believer in the "when you know, you know," theory, and I think everyone's relationships are different and everyone moves at different paces, however, I do believe there are certain things that should be considered before moving in together whether you've been dating a year or five years.

1. Make sure you're on the same page with whatever it is you are to each other: want to get married? Say it. Want to Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell it? Say it. Basically, have the "where is this going" talk BEFORE going to get a U-Haul, k?

2. Talk money: if one of you isn't contributing to the bills equally, it could put a lot of strain on your relationship. It's no fun being the ONLY one bringing home the bacon, because who wants to share delicious thick-cut, maple-glazed bacon with someone who doesn't help out, nah I mean?

3. Be okay with losing a little independence: you don't have to lose your independence entirely, but the idea of coming and going as you please and answering to no one is a thing of the past when living with a SO. Prepare to communicate more, share a bathroom, and let him/her know when you're out late, so ya know, he/she doesn't think you're dead. It's just courtesy.

4. Pass the vacation test: do you still find each other attractive after long vacations (or short ones)? If so, you passed the test; however, think twice if you want to kill each other during or by the end.

5. Make sure you can reconcile after arguments: hopefully this doesn't come as a shock, but you will argue when you move in together. It might be over something ridiculous, like not refilling the toilet paper roll, or it might be over something huge. So if you can't talk it out and move on before living together, you need to take a step back and reassess. There's no such thing as "I need space" when you live together, because you live together.

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