8 Things Women really want from Men

A woman really doesn’t want much from a man. There are really only eight things – eight qualities that she’s looking for in a life partner. Although these qualities are hard to find, they are qualities of which every man is capable. These seven things are not out of any man’s reach, yet the fact is that most lack at least one.

Now, you may like to argue that no one is perfect and therefore no one has all seven of these qualities, but that’s just not true. There are plenty of men out there who are sufficient in each of these categories, not perfectly, but sufficient enough to make a woman incredibly happy. That’s all that matters!

1. Honesty – but not too much of it.
A woman doesn’t want a man to lie to her about important matters. She wants to be an important part of his life – the most important part, in fact. She wants to know the things that are going on his life and she wants him to have trust in her. As far as she is concerned, they are one – his life is her life.

She wants him to want to share in his pleasant experiences and memories. She also doesn’t want him to feel that he has to lie. On the other hand, she doesn’t want the truth in all circumstances. Brutal honesty isn’t wanted.

If she asks, she looks great, she looks beautiful, the fact she gained 15 pounds doesn’t bother you, her new haircut makes her look even cuter. Now that I think about it, the only thing you should really lie is about such shallow matters as appearances. We all look like sh*t sometimes – but she doesn’t need to hear you say it.

2. Be strict with her at times. She needs to know you are in control not her.

When it comes to choice making for her, she realy want you to be strict. I mean you cant just allow her to go anywhere, wear anything, walk with anybody or do anyhow. Many women have even taken some men's gentleness for granted.

She really wanna see the hard and angry part of you in a caring way. With that, she can feel secure of not misbehaving while you are away. Leaving her with the fear of her knowing what you will do wen she misbehaves is enough.

3. Understanding – so that she doesn’t feel the need to have to explain herself.
She wants you to know her – inside and out. Why? Because only then will you love her for her. We all sometimes need confirmation that we’re worth loving. The real us – not the people others perceive us to be. We may not all need such a confirmation of our value, but we all want it. But it’s more than just that.

TIPS: 7 ways of starting a conversation with a lady Online.

42% of online female daters have been contacted by someone in a way that made them feel uncomfortable, and if you ask us, that’s one too many.

If you want to avoid being Creepy, here are 11 good ways (tested by science!) to start a conversation with a girl online.

 7. Keep Your Subject Line and Message Short:
 The subject line of your email or message is probably the most important part of starting a conversation with a girl online. If this doesn’t peak her interest, she most likely won’t read any further.
A study by Sidekick says the perfect subject line is unique to the recipient and has 30 characters or less, just to name a few suggestions.
Same goes for the entire message in general — keep it short!

 6. “Hi”, “Hey”, or “Hello”: The Kiss of Death
 If you want to be the most boring, unoriginal person who has ever reached out to this woman, then simply say “Hi, how are you?” While it may seem like a polite thing to ask, she isn’t the pizza delivery guy — she’s someone you have romantic feelings for.
''Whats up?'' can be a better option.

7 Ways to Friendzone a Guy!!!

Mind you, this is applicale to girls too.

Okay, so you know this guy and he is a REALLY great guy- but he’s just simply not your type. He makes a great friend, but you don’t want to take it any further. Unfortunately, he’s hinting that he may want something more than friendship. What is a girl to do? You don’t want to break his heart and be known as the evil girl who leads people on, but you also don’t want to force yourself into a relationship you don’t want. Well, here’s 7 ways to friendzone a guy- all nice and simple ways that won’t hurt anyone (too badly).

1. Don’t Lead Him On
It may seem obvious, but DON’T LEAD HIM ON. We all love to get attention from the opposite sex, but if you’re indulging in his flirtatious habits or even playing back a bit, you’re only leading him on- and that’s going to seriously upset him in the long run (can’t blame him). Do not flirt with him, and when he flirts with you, don’t even engage in it. Change the subject!

2. Talk About Other Men
If you really like a guy, you’re not going to talk about other guys to him- everyone knows that, it’s like a rule or something. That being said, talk about men with this guy you consider as just a friend. Let him know which guy you are interested in or what men around you think are good looking. This will show him that you are actively seeking a relationship with SOMEONE ELSE other than him, and don’t mind him knowing that you’re checking out other guys while the two of you are together.

3. Don’t Go on Any ‘Date-Like’ Events
Of course the two of you are friends so you’re going to hang out, but refrain from anything that’s a little to ‘date-like’, like a fancy dinner with just the two of you. If it’s something casual or something where there will be multiple of your guys’ mutual friends around, that of course is okay and go have fun! (Just don’t be standing next to him the entire time- he might get the wrong idea that you are, in fact, his date for the occasion!)

4. Let Him See Your ‘Bad Qualities’
I know, you don’t want to admit it- but you have bad qualities. We all do! Your FRIEND should see these bad qualities. I mean, the two of you are just friends, so you really shouldn’t hesitate to hold anything back like you would in a relationship with a guy you’re very interested in. Friends don’t judge, so go ahead and be one hundred percent real with him. All things positive and all things negative- nothing is off limits, just be you.