As much as it sounds awful or bad, its a real bitter truth. After my uncle's marriage is a year old, he called me and told me "make sure you marry your best friend. Like that, it makes your marriage more fun and less stressful". At that time, I was wondering what he meant.
After studying him for a while, I see the reason behind his previous comment. But within me, I still ask, 'why is love not enough?'. Well, seems, the answers are around us. From managing our differences to how to run the home, which school the unborn kids attend, which family member to visit, where to go for vacation and most importantly, how the family runs its finance.

Saying love isn't enough doesn't mean its not important, it does. But trust me, after the kids start coming, it takes those special moment to reignite the love. The reasons why more than love is needed is...

1. Love wont pay the bills: yes! it wont. As a man, its always advisable to be, at least, if not buoyant, should be financially stable. I mean, to take care of your self and have a left over before thinking of inviting an innocent lady for marriage.

2. Conscious commitment keeps you going: there are times in marriage when everything dies down and all seems to be fading. Not that the love has gone,
but many have made the mistake of 'I don't think we are compatible again', thereby seeking for divorce. this shouldn't be! If only they could remember the commitment word they said at the beginning.

3. Understanding goes a long way: '...then 2 shall become one', right? Its not talking about just the physical body. The thinking, goal, vision, mission, ideas, reasoning, e.t.c. Have you ever wondered why some long married women tend to give the same answer just the way their husband would have done? That's the result of long standing understanding and shared commitment to each other.

4. You don't know her/him until you marry: sounds funny, but its true. My dad once said, in marriage, there is always a new discovery of your partner. Now tell me, if all that matter is the boobs, the adam's apple, long eye lashes, broad chest, big butts, e.t.c, which was assumed to make up the LOVE and they all wither along the way of marriage. Thankfully you have a daughter/son with the same physical characteristics, would you have followed? No, am sure.

This is just to point out how important going beyond the feelings alone could help before actually starting the journey of marriage. Know who you are, have a vision for your life, ask your self genuine questions about your date and make God first.

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