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1 the unbeliever: 2nd cor. 6:14...'do not be bound together with unbelievers for what partnership have righteousness and lawlessness or what fellowship has light and darkness?' Apart from your decision to follow Christ, marriage is the single most important decision you will ever make.
2. The material girl: a friend of mine was engaged to a girl from a rich family. My friend saved for months to get her a real diamond ring as a proposal but when he propose, the girl told my friend to go back to the jewelry store to get a better ring that befits her. She actually wants him to go into debt for her sake. I warned my friend he was stepping into trouble if he should marry such a girl because if he does, he will stay in debt for the rest of his life.
3. The Diva: some guys like to throw their weight around and pretend they are superior to women. The female version of this nightmare are the Divas. They think the world revolves round them and they dont think twice about hurting someone else to prove their point. Some of these women might end up in a leadership position, but real leaders are humble. If you dont see Christ_like humility in the woman you are dating, backout!
4. The Delilah: remember Samson? He was an annointed with a superhuman strength but lost his strength when a seductive woman figured out his secret and gave her man the world best hair cut. Like Delilah, a woman who hasnt yielded her sexuality to God will blind you with her charms, break your heart and snip your annointing off. If your woman is ok with sex before marriage, back out!
5. The contentious woman: if you have your woman dealing with any past hurts, it will be at your best interest to let her deal with it before getting engaged to her. Unresolved bitterness can ruin a marriage. Recall proverbs 21:9,' its better to live in a corner of a roof than in house shared with a contentious woman'. If there is till much of anger and unforgivness in her, insist she gets prayer and counselling.
6. The controller: marriage is 50/50 partnership nd it works when both party practice mutual submission according to Ephesians 5:21. Just as guys think they can run marriage, some women think that too. They try to manipulate their decisions to get their way.
7. Mama's girl: its normal for a new wife to call her mom regularly for advice and support. Its not normal for her to talk 5times a day in detail about her marriage including her sex life. That's weird. If your girlfriend hasnt cut the apron strings, proceed with caution.
8. The addict: so many people in church today has not been discipled. Many still struggle with various kinds of addiction-alcohol, drugs, pornography, e.t.c. Its either we dont control these sins from the pulpit or we dont offer enough support. Am sure you wouldnt like to find out after your marriage that your partner isnt sober. Its beta you advice your partner to get help before you tie the knots.
Your best rule to follow in choosing a wife is found in Proverbs 31:30 ' charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord shall be praised'. All you need to look at is the heart.
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